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Shannon Rose

Thank you for all your hard work in bringing this remarkable resource to West Asheville. I enjoy it regularly. I would like to encourage you to find a way to control the erosion and sedimentation affecting the beach area. Sediment fences could help over the fall and winter until vegetation has a chance restabilize the bank. Blocking the descending access could help, as well. Directing access from the upstream end of the area could work if clear enough. I would help with labor for this project. Thank you.

Don Alexander

I’ve walked this trail. It’s a beautiful oasis in West Asheville. I’m a West Asheville resident and I’m retired. Will help with clean up when I can. Thanks for your good work.


Love walking this trail with our dogs and use it often! Happy to help whenever we can!

Fred M. Zarro

Great idea, keep up the good work! Not over in West Asheville that often, but I’ll be taking advantage of it when I can, and try to pick up trash, etc. when I’m hiking, to keep areas like this as beautiful as they are. I’m grateful for all the work that’s in progress now, and what’s already been done… Thanks!

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