The Friends of Hominy Creek Greenway has concerns about the scope of the Crossroads at West Asheville development and its impact on Hominy Creek and the Hominy Creek Greenway.
- Our organization’s mission is to protect the 14 acre community green space and City of Asheville park we have managed and been the stewards since 2011.
- The overall size and scope of the development will have an impact on the viewshed due to the placement and height of the structures.
- The development is on a unique parcel of land within the Hominy Creek watershed and will impact the water quality due to run off from parking lots and construction.
- An increase in traffic flow in the surrounding neighborhood will impact public safety among pedestrians who use the Hominy Creek Greenway.
The Friends of Hominy Creek Greenway seek the opportunity to work with the developer, the State of North Carolina, Buncombe County, and the City of Asheville to implement the following:
- That the developer repair the eroding stream bank on their property and create a substantial buffer of woody plants along Hominy Creek to protect it from runoff and other impacts during and after construction of the development.
- That the developer examine how the size and placement of structures and parking lots will impact the viewshed of users of the Hominy Creek Greenway and adapt to minimize the impact on the viewshed.
- That the developer use low-impact construction practices and building techniques to capture and filter stormwater runoff to minimize the impact on Hominy Creek.
- That Buncombe County require the developer build a section of greenway that is open to the public. A new or established community group, such as the Friends of Hominy Creek Greenway, could serve as stewards.
- That Buncombe County and the City of Asheville add and improve pedestrian infrastructure to accommodate the potential increase in use of the Hominy Creek Greenway by the residents of the development and members of the community surrounding the Hominy Creek Greenway.
- That the State of North Carolina consider improvements to I-240/I-26 access ramps and an additional access ramp at Bear Creek Road and I-240/I-26 to minimize traffic flow onto side streets in the surrounding community.
Please contact FOHCG Inc. president Bryan Tomes for comment.
CONTACT: Bryan Tomes, 828-772-5542 or