The Friends of Hominy Creek Greenway Board of Trustees share the communities’ anguish regarding the Bear Creek development adjacent to the Hominy Creek Greenway in West Asheville. The loss of tree cover; the impact on the riparian buffer and water quality; increased traffic; the harm to the landscape, wildlife habitat and viewshed; the loss of tranquility; are among a few of the prevailing concerns.
The Trustees understand the need for additional housing, but we also endorse the urgency of protecting green space as development accelerates in our community. We look forward to the opportunity to engage with citizens, developers, and local government to ensure the stream and the Hominy Creek Greenway are protected.
The Board of Trustees reaffirm our commitment to protecting Asheville’s endangered green and blue assets for all to enjoy. We are eager to continue to serve as a competent and vigorous voice for thoughtful development that prioritizes the stewardship of current and future public green spaces.
Please join us if you wish to serve as a champion of the Hominy Creek Greenway and Asheville’s endangered green spaces.