Greenways Support Schools & Services

Investing in greenways supports our schools and social services, as tax dollars should. The Dr. John Wilson Community Garden is just a small example of how greenways across Buncombe County can support these essential elements in our neighborhoods. The Town of Black Mountain established the Garden Greenway in 2011 with grant funding from multiple sources, public and private.

The Garden Greenway provides a direct link to schools and social services by:

Providing affordable access to more than 70 families to grow vegetables for themselves
Donating 4,000 pounds of fresh produce to families in need
Supporting health and nutrition education for every first and fourth grader in Black Mountain through field trips.
Did you know you can grow eight months of food for about $35? Seeds can be purchased with food stamps and our gardeners are able to grow eight months of food for the cost to rent a garden plot, $35. A number of our gardeners walk or bike to the garden to tend their plots.

I know in one instance, biking is her only form of transportation. There are no bike lanes or sidewalks that currently link the garden to downtown. Greenways connect the Dr. John Wilson Community Garden to downtown Black Mountain.

Childhood obesity and diabetes are increasing at incredible rates. I cannot think of a more direct social service to target these two epidemics among our school children than greenways and gardens. The Community Garden annually hosts every Black Mountain public school first and fourth grader on a field trip, where they learn about how fruits and vegetables are grown and how healthy food can keep their bodies healthy. With the Garden Greenway now available, these students include a walk on the greenway as part of their field trip, learning about exercise and wellness.

The greenway has increased exposure to the Community Garden, which has increased our access to funding. Last year we received a $3,000 grant to fund the installation of an orchard on a site opened up by the construction of the greenway. Planting fruit and nut trees increase our ability to provide access to fresh produce in our community.

As the mother of three children, the greenway means a lot to me. While I work, my children bike, ride scooters, draw with chalk and play games, some days long after the sun has gone down and the bats have come out. Before the greenway, dragging my children to work was a chore. Now they often want to go, even when I don’t need to.

Because our house is near the Garden Greenway, we don’t even need to use the car to go to work or play. For me, all of these things make calling Black Mountain home that much sweeter.

Black Mountain News, Jul. 10, 2012
Written by Diana Schmitt McCall, Guest Columnist

Economic Impact of Trails

This article is from “Carolina Thread Trail“
Little Sugar Creek Greenway A number of economic impact studies based on data and reasonable forecasting techniques indicate that connected bicycle/pedestrian facilities (like trails and greenways) offer a significant return on investment through property value increases, tourism, business investment, alternative transportation benefits and health benefits.

A 2011 cost/benefit study by Alta Planning and Design evaluated the completion of a multipurpose trail linking the City of Davidson and Cabarrus County (from the Cabarrus County line to downtown Charlotte). The study resulted in an internal return on investment of 16.21%, not including the quantification of recreational benefits. A 2007 study by Econsult, Inc. and Greenways, Inc. forecasting the economic benefit of the Carolina Thread Trail indicated that
increased tourism from a completed regional network would generate an estimated $3-$6 million in incremental state and local tax revenue per year.

Multiple studies indicate that property values for homes and businesses near trails are greater – with increases ranging from between 4% and 20% – when compared to properties not along trails. This is not surprising in light of the outcome of a recent survey by the National Association of Realtors that cited walking and biking trails as the #1 amenity desired by homebuyers.

While these studies are compelling, sometimes the most convincing evidence of the economic impact of an infrastructure investment can be accessed from talking to representatives from businesses that are directly

Furman University recently released an in-depth study of the health and economic impacts of the Greenville Hospital System Swamp Rabbit Tram Trail. The study provides a baseline for the impact of the 17.5 mile multi-use trail connecting Greenville to Travelers Rest, SC. For a segment of the study, interviews were conducted with nine managers or owners of retail businesses abutting or within 250 yards of the trail. Data from that study includes the following:

Most of the businesses reported increases in sales/revenue ranging from 30% to as high as 85% since the trail was completed.
One business decided to open as a result of the trail being built.
One business reported changing locations to a site on the trail and observed a 30% increase in sales.
One business reported that 75% of Saturday business and 40% of business during the week related to trail use.
These findings, when combined with general observations about how economic activity has been enhanced along stretches of the Carolina Thread Trail– like the Metropolitan stretch of Little Sugar Creek Greenway in Charlotte and the Peidmont Medical Center Trail in Rock Hill – are indications of how a connected regional trail network would generate large near-term economic returns. The case becomes even more compelling when hospitals, business centers, schools, retail and residential hubs are connected via multi use trails.

Along The Thread, we see and hear the momentum and excitement from local governments and community residents about trails opening in their neighborhoods and communities. We know all trails will help our communities be better places to live and work, while creating new economic activity for our communities for years to come.

Greenway Plan Faces Hurdles

The path ahead: County greenways plan faces major hurdles

Read the full article at

After years of planning and public meetings, Buncombe County is poised to release a comprehensive proposal for an extensive greenway system linking towns, parks, schools and other key sites.

Bolstered by recent successes in the city of Asheville, and by growing support for transportation alternatives, advocates are eager for the plan to be released (it’s due out next month). Black Mountain, Woodfin and Weaverville are also developing greenways.

But with the economy still reeling, even supporters concede that major funding and organizational hurdles lie ahead. Meanwhile, many opponents are adamant that limited tax revenues should fund other priorities.

Both sides cast their arguments in terms of economic development. And with the debate unfolding in the midst of a heated election year, it’s unclear how much support the greenways plan will ultimately find on the new, expanded Buncombe County Board of Commissioners come December.

Growing our Greenways by Buncombe County

Connect Buncombe is the outreach and involvement campaign center for Buncombe County Greenways and Trails Program. This video features local citizens, business leaders, and elected officials providing their desire for more greenways and trails in Buncombe County. It highlights the economic development, health and environmental benefits of greenways. It shows how greenways will make us greener, kinder, smarter, safer and healthier in Buncombe County.

The portion featuring Hominy Creek Greenway begins at 2:41.


Greenways, Please! by Connect Buncombe

The Greenways, Please! video is a collaborative effort of Buncombe County’s greenway advocacy group Connect Buncombe and its municipalities and partners, as well as local businesses and organizations to provide information about the benefits of greenways and the economic development impact of greenways.

Trolley Tract Purchase Thanks

We offer special thanks to the following whose work has made our park possible

Asheville Greenway Commission
Asheville City Council
Asheville Parks & Recreation
Buncombe County Commission
Buncombe Greenway Commission
Blue Ridge Bike Club
Asheville on Bikes
Marc Hunt, Claudia Nix, Mike Sule, Maggie Clancy, Brotherhug Barlow and many other individuals who have given their time and money to this project.
We owe great thanks to those who helped purchase the Trolley Tract

City of Asheville: $60,000
Buncombe County: $60,000
Greenway Friends: $30,000
Asheville Bicycle Racing Club
Pisgah Area SORBA (southern off road bicycle association)
Trek Bicycles donated a very nice bike that we took donations for tickets and then drew a winner, that brought several thousand dollars
Bio Wheels held an event that raised money that was donated toward the effort
Western NC Bicycle Dealer’s Association
Several BRBC individuals
Marc Hunt
Brotherhug & Janet Barlow
Claudia Nix Mike Nix and Liberty Bicycles

Our 2011 Gathering Sponsors were awesome

Diamond Brand Outdoors
Second Gear
Bandidos Burritos & Tamales
Eagle’s Nest Outfitters
Liberty Bicycles
Asheville Greenworks
Nona Mia Ritrovo

Trails Important to Home Buyers

From National Association of Home Builders and the National Association of Realtors

In April, 2002 a survey of of 2,000 recent home buyers was co-sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders and the National Association of Realtors. The survey asked about the “importance of community amenities,” and trails came in second only to highway access. Those surveyed could check any number of the 18 amenities, and 36 percent picked walking, jogging or biking trails as either “important” or “very important.” Sidewalks, parks, and playgrounds ranked next in importance.

Ranking much lower were ball fields, golf courses, and tennis courts. However, the home buyers indicated that price and home size were far more important than proximity to work, the city or schools. Given three statements to choose from, 62 percent indicated “the top concern was price,” while 31 percent said that “finding a home in the right neighborhood was the top priority.” Just 7 percent of respondents said that “being close to work and minimizing the commute was really important.”

A graph showing that 36 percent of surveyed home buyers rate trails as important to very important nearby amenities
36 percent of surveyed home buyers rate trails as important to very important nearby amenities

Article from National Trails Training Partnership